0:00:00 | ACC: “Boo-hoo, I have to pay off the bond!” (2:15:22 ) |
0:00:35 | Happy birthday to George Stephanopolous; make-a-wish 11:11 on digital clocks; ACC’s dinner with former New York banker, Trump screws New York and California with property tax deduction cap, anointed CFR member Stacey Abrams “no Maxine Waters” |
0:08:20 | Trump presidency “over!” with connection to Jeff Bezos sexting scandal with Lauren Sanchez; CBS on National Enquirer running afoul of Justice Department over blackmail attempt; Democracy Now on Trump’s alliance with David Pecker, Washington Post “government entity” and Jamal Khashoggi theories; ACC’s battles with the Dutch gossip media, Bezos’ feeble protestations on Medium, ACC theory: Microsoft torpedoing JEDI Pentagon cloud contract |
0:26:29 | Democracy Now on NSA unearthing with Mohammad bin Salman threatening Jamal Khashoggi in 2017 “with a bullet” on the eve of the White House’s deadline to determine his culpability |
0:29:41 | Beto O’Rourke to be anointed by Oprah in Times Square; Elizabeth Warren’s uninspired 2020 announcement, campaign song Respect; Scott Adams on Warren’s nonexistent sense of humor |
0:37:31 | Al Sharpton on beleaguered Virginia officials: “forgiveness without a price is not forgiveness” |
0:40:57 | YouTube journalist Tim Pool on Alex Jones deplatforming due to media pressure after confrontation with Oliver Darcy, millennial journalists all in the same Twitter bubble, comScore “traffic assignment” to defraud investors; JCD story: Mevio Dude Named Ben’s barcode database, PC Magazine’s early rejection of clickbait slideshows; Al Jazeera on big companies writing off investments in the likes of BuzzFeed, Bezos’ wasteful WaPo Super Bowl ad |
1:01:46 | Producer Segment: 11 11 11 Super Karma Geocoin’s 104,663 miles logged as x1je36 |
1:57:20 | Jill Abramson defends her plagiarized new book to Fox and NPR, JCD: “I wonder if she wrote the book”, plagiarized glossary entry settled for nominal fee, dictionary copyright |
2:10:26 | Rapper 21 Savage arrested by ICE as illegal alien after bitching about immigration policies on The Tonight Show, ACC on the immigration bond procedure endured by friend who overstayed visa; lawyer’s rant about community services vs “I buy a new car for the bitch” lyrics |
2:17:19 | M5M carefully avoiding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying “today is a really good day for families … who have seen their living rooms being flooded in with the waves, flooded in with the waves of rising sea levels”; “new Green New Deal” resolution full of “we agree” language, FAQ creatively doctored with farting cows by the internet; AOC links Green New Deal to social justice, “whoohoo” iso, Sen. Ed Markey lies “global temperatures are the highest in recorded history”; ACC on climate scientists walking back their positions in advance of 2030 |
2:32:06 | Climate scientist Kate Marvel to Alec Baldwin’s podcast: “what percentage of the warming right now are humans responsible for? over 100%” (BCotD), “more than all of the warming”, Peter deMenocal on chemtrails: “it just begets this kind of hubris that humans can control everything”, London volcano climate model scenario, Green New Deal for “wide-scale battery storage”, nuclear power ignorance, “I’m not sure that climate change is an immediate threat to human existence, but I know that it is an immediate threat to human happiness” |
2:46:37 | JCD on Y2K parallel, Georgetown TX 100% green energy scam revisited; a year’s worth of snow in one day in Seattle; European Solidarity Corps Hitlerjugend promoting Dutch truancy |
2:54:41 | Donation Segment |
3:10:49 | Typhus outbreak at Los Angeles City Hall due to rat infestation, Dutch tyfusjong |
3:15:25 | Democracy Now on arms and radio antennas flown in to Venezuela, excoriates Eliott Abrams as “right-wing hawk”; France recalls ambassador to Italy for the first time since 1940 |