0:00:00 | JCD: “I love Clinton! You love Clinton! There’s a song there.” (1:41:00 ) |
0:00:33 | Dedication to the memory of Sir Greg Davies |
0:03:47 | Polar vortex “further evidence of climate change”, Doublespeak of the Week jingle; NBC on -50° wind chills and commuter rail fires in Chicago; noose attack on actor Jussie Smollett; Amy Goodman mocks Trump’s “global waming” tweet; NOAA “um” dingbat goes off script with NPR by questioning link between polar vortex and greenhouse gases, “weather is noisy” |
0:14:02 | Climate scientist Kate Marvel to Freakonomics podcast: climate models unable to account for changes in cloud phenomena, “we suck at it”; JCD on backing off order of magnitude chemistry error; third week of raucous Brussels school walkouts with parkas and vuvuzelas |
0:22:05 | ShadowStats’ John Williams on Greenspan’s cost of living math tricks screwing Social Security recipients; ACC story: racing a Chevy Geo, “it looks like I’m a grandma who’s lost control” |
0:29:22 | Rep. Mo Brooks questions Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood about 10 U.S.C. §284 for border wall construction to combat drug trafficking without emergency declaration |
0:38:22 | Hallie Jackson “switchback reacharound” on Trump’s national security minions “contradicting” him, “behind the scenes, multiple sources tell NBC News”, “it’s the best we have” non-sequitur from random Republican, stern warning from Adam Schiff |
0:49:40 | Dogs Are People Too: rental offices identifying pooping dogs using DNA; Purina to produce cricket and fish head dog food, JCD: “that plant must stink!”; dog testicle glitter |
0:55:41 | No mention of affair with Willie Brown at scripted town hall for “Hillary 2.0” Kamala Harris, JCD: “I think she’s a dingbat”, Harris on “fundamental question: who are we as Americans”, “we are better than this” non-answer; “the next time a man tries to mansplain” virtue signaling question; Harris: Congress should be required to view nonexistent Sandy Hook autopsy photos |
1:05:41 | Ben Shapiro’s ham-handed sarcasm for Harris-Brown affair: “that’s a thing that happens all the time”, condescendingly sarcastic right-wing talkers and Rachel Maddow |
1:15:58 | Producer Segment |
1:31:38 | JCD identifies Bernie Sanders as a dingbat to prove the term isn’t sexist; dingbat Kirsten Gillibrand announces her 2020 candidacy by wailing about Trump; compilation of media “freaking out” over Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz running as independent |
1:42:05 | Producer notes on Venezuelan crude, Cuban G2 agency, Maduro’s disqualification from office; comedian Joanna Hausmann on Maduro corruption, support for Guaidó from “Canada’s progressive prince” Trudeau; pre-election Trump video on grabbing Libyan oil; John “pornstache” Bolton on getting US oil companies into “troika of tyranny”; CIR “Central Information Refinery”; Venezuelan UN Ambassador “blasts” US hypocrisy; NBC “Cold War” non-sequitor |
1:59:15 | Apollo 14 moon rock “Big Bertha” suspected to have originated on Earth |
2:03:54 | Donation Segment |
2:15:42 | Allan Nairn to Democracy Now on Elliott Abrams abetting genocide in Central America and Middle East; Nairn proposes Nuremberg-style trial for Abrams on 1995 Charlie Rose |
2:22:40 | ACC’s Pi-hole logs revealing Roku accelerometer spying; Facebook in hot water with Apple over “research” VPN paying 10M people $40/month to spy on them; JCD recommends Rowan Atkinson’s Johnny English Strikes Again; AT&T’s fake 5G protocol, creepy Austin grackles doomed; 5G rollout in Canberra and Sydney; Huawei indictments part of the 5G Cold War |
2:40:31 | Sackler family’s reckless OxyContin marketing; JCD on Rush Limbaugh’s hearing damage |
2:44:33 | Podcast man on the street answer: Cold War was all about “freeing the slaves” |