0:00:00 | JCD: “No, I love Tool, who doesn’t!” (2:12:35 ) |
0:00:36 | JCD predicts no win for “chunky” transgender Miss Universe contestant |
0:04:55 | Tony Blair frets about “botched Brexit”, “freedom of movement”; ETIAS EU Travel Information and Authorization System, “visit etias.com !”; JCD on Leave Means Leave conference |
0:14:57 | Delta implementing end-to-end facial recognition, “we love it, sign us up”; official No Agenda TSA evasion kit: third eyeball sticker, googly eye glasses, and Taliban beard; CBS on guns at TSA checkpoints, slide racking sound effect for “loaded gun”, old white men meme; JCD and JMD spot Berkeley delivery robot, California mall Daleks “picking up MAC addresses” |
0:28:13 | One year without net neutrality; California proposes Obamaphone-like text message tax |
0:31:45 | AT&T show Loudermilk tackles vocal fry: “it’s an affectation that annoying teenagers and rich people use to sound like they don’t give a shit!”; Jill Abramson clips revisited |
0:37:14 | PBS on end of COP24 in Poland; Does Anyone Here Remember the Ozone Layer? song; Simon Fraser University’s tearful Deborah Harford: children drawing pictures of future “in which everything’s on fire, and everything is dead and everyone is sick”; psychologist Margaret Kline Salamon calls for “crash transition to zero emissions”, “right?”, World War II scenario, “we can farm our lawns”; compilation of abused children regurgitating talking points |
0:56:33 | Douchebag COP24 president Michał Kurtyka; NPR millennial Rebecca Hersher: poor countries “suffering enormous losses already because of climate change, right?”, “islands disappearing altogether”; bogus Dutch sea level figure in 2007 IPCC report, current “political phase” |
1:07:37 | Democracy Now on Extinction Rebellion organization “supergluing themselves to government buildings”, “the government is criminally complacent in the mass murder of all life on this planet and I will not be silent!”; JCD on car aerodynamics sparing bugs; activist: “we might now be facing human extinction” (CotD); JCD: good climate job “solar panel cleaner” |
1:16:01 | Producer Segment: John Fletcher “douchebag beard!”, alms for Sir Chris |
1:37:49 | ACC’s friend Michel in Thailand in time for Miss Universe |
1:38:31 | Sexual Harassment Update: NPR takes a swipe at Fox while discussing climate at CBS, Les Moonves the last obstacle to Viacom merger; artists avoiding Super Bowl |
1:42:35 | 11 dead from food poisoning at festival in India; Texas federal court rules Obamacare unconstitutional, JCD on Nixon’s Health Maintenance Organization Act allowing for-profit hospitals |
1:50:09 | Pentagon fails audit; Boston University’s Anita Crawford: $5.9T spent killing folks since 9/11 |
1:53:36 | No Agenda transcription word cloud with 8,000 “think” occurrences, top two “yeah no” |
1:57:40 | NPR giggles about popular board game Secret Hitler: “perfect game for Capitol Hill, right?” |
2:00:16 | Richard Bronson’s gushes over SpaceShipOne launch, JCD: “it’s a joyride!” |
2:04:00 | Donation Segment |
2:19:14 | No Such Thing as a Fish podcast with Stephen Fry on “porn storm” and “pornado” terms coined by “John C. Dvořák, who is the nephew of the guy who invented the Dvořák keyboard” |
2:25:53 | Simon Sinek on cell phone addiction “right?”; CBS on new Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, Cohen non sequitur; Cohen to Stephanopoulos: “here’s the truth: the man doesn’t tell the truth”; uptalking Maxine Waters blathers about impeachment; fake conservative Jennifer Rubin predicts resignation to giddy MSNBC; comedian Noel Casler: Trump abuses Adderall |
2:40:16 | 2019 “global” baby names: “Aroha”, nonbinary names, “Osiris” and “Zen” |
2:45:12 | PBS on yellow vest protests; outrageous list of demands; Voice of America propaganda: “it had nothing to do with the Paris climate agreement”, JCD: “this is lies!” |