108 Waxman Is A Dick (2009-06-28)

0:00:33 | Dykes on Bikes Parade, Proposition 8 supporters making the rounds; Billy Mays found dead, two out of trio of pitch-men; ACC’s two-hour ABC World News Tonight Michael Jackson interview with “hypocrite cocksuckers”, trimmed down to 12 seconds |
0:07:46 | Cap and trade bill passes House on Michael Jackson anniversary; Henry “The Dick” Waxman gripes about endless John “Boner” Boehner speech, calls for “parliamentary inquiry”, rowdy House of Representative; sped-up Boehner on absurdly complex organizational chart 0:19:16 Steny Hoyer on “energy that will not bring our globe to a heating process that will drown out what the Navy calls the literals”, “potentates”, JCD on 83% of US oil from Alberta; Hoyer’s “compromise” vs Boehner on 309-page amendment added in the middle of the night; Boehner on “green banking centers”: “are you kiddin’ me?”, affordable housing amendments |
0:29:19 | Boehner “money shot”: “carbon derivative markets”, repeal of regulations; Nancy Pelosi’s four words to remember: “jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs, let’s vote for jobs!” |
0:34:51 | Majority cosponsorship for Ron Paul’s H.R.1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Act, Ben Bernanke on Federal Reserve transparency: “we’ve developed a web site”, Congressional oversight “highly destructive to the stability of the financial system, the dollar, and our national economic situation”; ACC’s Jamaican driver on saving non-GMO seeds, September 10 2001 SCotUS ruling upholding food patenting, former Monsanto attorney Clarence Thomas; JCD recommends AirTrain to JFK |
0:43:38 | And Now Back to Real News: Michael Jackson’s hyper-healthy lifestyle, planned tour’s insurance policy and physical exam, coroner’s results delayed by three weeks; ACC on King of Bahrain’s lawsuit settlement and forced swine flu vaccination theory, Russian electromagnetic pulse, “they nuked him” |
0:48:33 | Producer note on using $50 gold coins at face value for lower taxes, JCD on “like value” doctrine; Harry Schultz Letter, US embassies being advised to stockpile local currencies, foreboding at State Department; Presidential Directive 51, $108bn flu shot earmark in military spending bill; binary weapons, ACC on avoiding McDonald’s French fries |
0:53:23 | freecreditreport.com jingle “I’d be a happy bachelor and a yard” admonition against dating anyone with bad credit; ConferenceĀ on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on DevelopmentĀ and “global taxes”, JCD: “the New York tax for a hotel’s almost the price of the hotel room!”, ACC “call to arms”, JCD: “watchlist tax” |
0:58:00 | Donation Segment: $500-a-plate dinners, ACC: “you will have to go through metal detectors” |
1:00:47 | Outro: no TSA stops for ACC’s bag of bomb parts; AT&T USB stick win |