0:00:00 | ACC: “I’ll have the opium and warm orange juice, please.” |
0:00:34 | C-SPAN caller triggered by Kavanaugh circus on being molested in second grade, douchebag host: “Brenda, how old were you at the time?”, ACC: “this jamoke here sittin’ there, hey, how old were you, heh heh!”, no mention of victim hotline, knee to the groin maneuver apparently no longer taught, ACC’s mother’s $10 bill charm bracelet; JCD diagnoses Kavanaugh as alcoholic, 1980s “boofing” alcohol enemas, privileged prep school “jerk-offs” |
0:12:30 | Steve Pieczenik on Mormon Republicans and Yale Democrats including Comey and Wray, Amy “Klo-bacher”; Dianne Feinstein “I just did” on asking if her staff leaked Ford letter |
0:23:23 | FBI not using evidence from Ford’s sketchy polygraph test; legal team pushing for open-ended investigation; Michael Savage on Ford running Stanford CIA internship program, family CIA connections; producer note on “rage room” meetup to “flip tables and punch things”; stern “no interacting” warning for social media; Linda Sarsour back to her usual screeching; Trump: “this could be a blessing in disguise”, reference to Feinstein’s body language; Judge Napolitano on Kavanaugh’s hostility toward Fourth Amendment and PATRIOT Act connection |
0:43:52 | Predator Barbara Boxer: angry Kavanaugh “very frightening”, shapeshifter eyes; JCD predicts Lisa Murkowski’s revenge for being screwed in election; Lindsey Graham rails against “unethical sham”; hypocrite Bill Maher: Graham “familiar with the back door” |
0:54:16 | Dimension B: Maher calls Kavanaugh’s daughter a liar, Graham “needs the stabilizing inflence of his dead boyfriend”, April Ryan shocked and delighted, Maher: “pageant” of white privilege; JCD on ditching Democrat Party for “constantly trying to kill me”; Democracy Now on American Bar Association and Jesuit America Magazine throwing Kavanaugh under the bus, ACC on Democrat money linked to ABA; Dianne Feinstein: “would you like to say more about it?”, Kavanaugh: “no”; Ford’s subliminal message to women: being silenced “terrified me the most”; Amy Coney Barrett a shoe in as Notre Dame graduate |
1:12:46 | Producer Segment: JCD’s habit of freaking out badge wearers by greeting them by name |
1:24:23 | International Podcast Day; ACC’s allergy cure, “maybe I should try boofing the limoncello” |
1:27:20 | Willie Nelson and Beto O’Rourke in Austin, JCD anxious to get his hands on Beto poster |
1:30:33 | Steve Bannon predicts 2020 three-way race to Bill Maher, Hillary’s “president for life meme |
1:41:16 | Lindsay Lohan punched in the face after trying to kidnap homeless Syrian refugee children |
1:44:12 | Interview with ACC’s grandfather Renwick Eugene Curry, grandmother’s Latakia Syria roots |
1:46:52 | Russia suspected of online meddling in Macedonian renaming referendum |
1:51:11 | Elon Musk to settle SEC securities fraud suit, possible forced sale capital gains dodge |
1:57:24 | Democracy Now on Karnes detention center hunger strike, People Without Borders NGO |
2:00:13 | Daily Mail fearmongering over three British cases of monkeypox |
2:01:53 | Donation Segment: producer note on 5G push for Tokyo Olympics |
2:16:12 | Seven terrorism suspects arrested in Netherlands for planning car bomb |
2:18:12 | ACC OTG: $39 pre-Google Alcatel GO FLIP, Google “unidentified device!” freakout; JCD’s success in London with cheap Chinese phone; Tim Berners-Lee promoting “Solid POD” project |
2:30:44 | Poll rates Austin worst city for aggressive dogs; Democracy Now on Colombian murder epidemic, Mexican government admits role in 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre |
2:35:14 | Trump trying new material in West Virginia: Democrats “party of crime”, Obama administration war with North Korea averted, “millions of people would have been killed” |
2:41:04 | Japanese Obayashi Corporation promises viable space elevator by 2050 |