0:00:00 | ACC: “Is it false flag season again?!” (0:33:24 ) |
0:00:33 | JCD and Mimi’s 30th anniversary celebration in Washington |
0:02:07 | Stephen Colbert audience delighted at Alex Jones’ ejection from social media over “threat” to Robert Mueller, Jones “feed your gladiator” pitch, Tuck Buckford Brainfight skit falls flat; purge kicked off with Apple’s 3:00 am meeting; Right Wing Watch and Norman Lear’s People For the American Way with Hollywood-centric board; Infowars app left intact in App Store |
0:12:02 | Jack Dorsey to Sean Hannity: Twitter ranking algorithm can be disabled, AI unable to discern real hate speech, “we’ll certainly miss things”; promo for Berkeley D-Lab “online hate index” in partnership with Anti-Defamation League, “combining artificial intelligence and machine learning with social science”, sketchy 78-85% success rate; JCD on blacklists and Dvorak Uncensored blog; Sen. Mark Warner’s proposals for social media regulation, “essential facilities”; NPR on Alex Jones’ takedown after “pressure from journalists”; What Would Steve Jobs Do? |
0:30:49 | Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson rants about election meddling; Alex Jones: “now the real fight for liberty begins, we’re entering the season of false flags” |
0:37:44 | CBS tech reporter at Black Hat on malware “activated using facial recognition technology”, malware in control of dams “could prevent voters from getting to the election booth”, “valves in water pump stations, or electrical stations, all of these are now connected”; ACC’s AT&T IPv6 dropped packets; Wells Fargo foreclosure “glitch”, Bank of America foreclosure on nonexistent loan; ACC on cache-busting HTTPS in low-bandwidth Africa, “HTTPS is racist!” |
0:54:00 | Robert Mueller star witness Rick Gates’ lies examined in Paul Manafort trial, judge unimpressed by prosecution, Manafort bling photos entered into evidence; Alan Dershowitz on Trump Tower meeting: “you cannot regulate ideas”, “a candidate is also expressing First Amendment views, he has exactly the same status as The New York Times” |
1:08:13 | Producer Segment: Lockheed Martin “white men’s summit” castration |
1:31:06 | Australian nursing white privilege hoax; ACC on hearing aids for stoned music listening |
1:33:55 | AOC: Socialism For You And Me jingle; “that upper middle class doesn’t exist any more in America”; Koch Brothers meme, bogus claim that Supreme Court “ruled that these monthly payments that everyday Americans make is a tax”, idiotic “why aren’t we incorporating the cost of all the funeral expenses of those who die because they can’t afford access to healthcare”; New York Attorney General candidate Zephyr Teachout pitching abolition of ICE |
1:44:24 | NPR on new Oscars category Outstanding Achievement in Popular Film for Black Panther |
1:49:06 | MTV Decoded “colorism” vs racism “power dynamics that become perpetuated by years of structural oppression”, derogatory cafri and Dutch kaffir; fast-talking Candace Owens on being attacked by Antifa “okay?”, shouting match with Prof. Michael Eric Dyson |
2:02:38 | Insider trading indictment for Rep. Chris Collins; elitist Bill de Blasio cracking down on Über |
2:07:48 | Donation Segment: MTV’s Communicar limo service; Joël Robuchon dead at 73 |
2:25:43 | CNBC on Chinese tariffs on US goods and media pep talks; Bakkt cryptocurrency commodity exchange hyped as Starbucks, JCD comparison with flooz.com and beenz.com |
2:32:44 | Amsterdam trying to crack down on drunken British tourists urinating in residents’ mailboxes; increase in random drug testing due to marijuana legalization; California pot fields on fire |
2:40:49 | JCD on Seattle Airport congestion; Oakland Airport testing “Anal Logic” CT scanner |
2:44:36 | “Fag-packet fascists”, “binge more!” isos; deadly Colorado hail sure sign of to climate change |
2:47:49 | Millennial carjackers unable to drive stick; Yemen cholera warning from WHO |