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1049 Rent Men (2018-07-08)

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0:00:00ACC: “Think of your health, man.” (1:47:06)
0:00:31Brexit World Cup still a possibility, “blame Trump” for 48% drop in viewership
0:04:28“Gangster-like demands” from Mike Pompeo for North Korea; Andrea Mitchell on Rocket Man CD joke gift, “reports, first on NBC News, that intelligence agencies say he is expanding his arsenal”, Trump: “now they say, he’s too nice!”, unreturned MIA remains meme; JCD: M5M still getting Trump elected, hyperkinetic Montana speech; short and sweet PBS summary
0:16:23ABC Jonathan Karl lie-fest on Montana rally “lavishing praise” on Putin with “he’s fine”, George Carlin “fine” sketch, “lashing out” at George H.W. Bush and NATO, Elizabeth Warren “Me Too generation” 23andMe joke; ACC on outrage over formerly praised DNA technologies
0:29:42No borders, no nations, stop deportations!” chant; judge postpones family reunification meeting for Trump lawyer with dog-sitting responsibilities; ACC meets Dog Dazer client at supermarket; Fox on distorted story about Trump “purging” immigrants from military; largest class of illegal immigrants in US from China; Anne Frank immigration denial meme
0:36:03New York City Democratic Socialists of America and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders: open borders “a Koch Brothers proposal”, JCD on open borders as European anarchist cause; AOC dodges Chuck Todd’s socialism question, “I was just elected on Tuesday, Chuck!” botch
0:48:50“Jobs guarantee” economic theory explained: “buffer stock of employed people” controlling inflation; student loans and ACC’s $4k PowerBook loan; Trump administration halts Obamacare “threat payments” for insurance companies and allows sales across state lines
0:59:44“Units watch your keys!” for Hitler speeches being illegally piped into Chicago police radio
1:02:54Producer Segment: ACC’s iReadMail server; producer subarachnoid hemorrhage survival
1:29:31#WalkAway campaign’s Brandon Straka’s post-election “red pill” moment, liberal platform “we hate Trump and we love illegal immigrants”, idiot Laura Ingraham: “I have a lot of gay friends who are not Democrats”; Scott Adams on Democrat manipulation into “have I mentioned unhealthy? state”, “policy, shmolicy”; black American confessional videos, “my Facebook feed is just, cancer”; protests over “lesbian erasure” by transgender men
1:45:08San Francisco real estate prices rising $205k/year, ACC: “sell, Dvorak!”; Austin referred to as “San Francisco 2.0” by homeless Reddit AMA, car break-in decriminalization and mental illness; ACC no longer handing out five dollar bills; defunct shopping mall Macy’s “retrofitted homeless shelter” in Virginia; producer note on Dvorak’s Law and sex work
1:58:12NBC hit piece: Rep. Jim Jordan linked to Ohio State wrestling sex scandal, “possible crimes, or a cover-up”, potential Speaker of the House bid; Indiana AG Curtis Hill accused of groping women; Justin Trudeau’s 20-year-old groping scandal, apology “great question”, “even though I don’t think I did anything wrong, that’s not the whole story any more” (BCotD)
2:07:12Ask John: “embarrassing fail to a space startup in Japan”, rocket exploding due to “glitch”
2:08:21Donation Segment: JMD, TtK, Anonymous Lesbian birthdays; ACC’s “hairy earhole pics”
2:23:33California ghost town for sale; Canadians taking tariffs personally, Trump blocking WTO Appellate Body, “do you really believe that Canada, that your NATO allies represent a national security threat to you?”; PSA warning against crossing US-Canada border with marijuana
2:32:40Bay Area naked man breaking into homes to “perform lewd acts”, ACC: “how is Louis C.K. doing these days?”; protests cause Montreal Jazz Festival to cancel Slave with white director
2:36:08Al-Shebab plastic bag ban, tree-planting Taliban; riots in Nantes France over police shooting
2:40:59Sharyl Attkisson in 2008 discussing illness and death linked to heparin and Chantix