0:00:00 | JCD: “What were you doing before that happened?” (2:04:05 ) |
0:00:34 | JCD’s Salesforce Building light show; nine journos killed in Kabul double tap suicide bombing |
0:02:56 | Stormy Daniels calls for “a resignation” on Saturday Night Live, JCD on Clinton “nobody’s dyin’” meme; Rudy Giuliani to Sean Hannity on “perfectly legal” Daniels payment; CNN’s David Chalian on “incorrect, false, bad information” from Sarah Sanders; April Ryan on Sanders squabble: “I had to decompress”, “that was very, um, street”, JCD: “pull her credentials!”; ACC on Obama campaign’s $375k fine for fraudulent contributions |
0:17:56 | Morning Joe Mike Barnicle on “literal tsunami, a fire hydrant of false information” from White House, “this is how democracies die”, Nobel Peace Prize scenario |
0:21:51 | Rudy Giuliani “in support of regime change” in Iran, disingenuous “former ally”; Steve Pieczenik on Trump bluff and US companies in place, Netanyahu’s jail prospects; John Kerry violating Logan Act; Paul Manafort trying to get charges thrown out as irrelevant |
0:29:43 | Barbara Boxer podcast overmodulation skit; “very good question to start this off” for psychologist John Gartner, “anachronistic” Goldwater Rule, “duty to warn” surveillance state, DSM-5 and Goldwater’s “possibly wrong” latent homosexuality, dutytowarn.org petition plug, “I’m a lifelong Democrat”, phony narcissism checklist, hysterical Boxer “who does that??” |
0:49:45 | Giuliani on defending Ivanka from Mueller, Jared “disposable”; JCD on midterm narrative |
0:53:10 | Joy Behar on Boy Scouts rebranding: “I’m not sure that girls benefit from having boys in their midst”; Eagle Scout producers on Girl Scouts “cookie cult”, replacing LDS/Christian constituency with girls, “maybe they want to teach them how to code”, inclusivity for sponsors |
1:11:36 | Producer Segment: Theodorable’s Dutch-style first birthday |
1:17:47 | Sexual Harassment Update: more Charlie Rose allegations, effusive CBS self-congratulation |
1:21:49 | Third-graders learning “lost art” of cursive writing, JCD on founding document obfuscation |
1:27:57 | The Dirty Thirties jingle with carnival barker ACC, “Chicago typewriter” and “cinder dick” |
1:33:36 | CBS Ransom Russian invasion of Crimea meme, JCD “MacGuffin”, Norman Lear Center revisited; Reuters urges Twitter password change due to “glitch”, “bug” logging 330M cleartext passwords; Facebook investigating Tinder cyberstalker employee, photo identity theft by scammers, recent removal of 500k fraudulent accounts, bogus 2bn members claim |
1:49:35 | Facebook considering ad-free subscriptions, ACC: “they’ll still sell your information!”, Skype ad scam; Ellen Pao urges Silicon Valley incel crackdown; Google employee group SJW chaos |
1:54:00 | Producer notes on fur baby phenomenon, ACC’s dog piss elevator, “dog Xanax”, JCD: “what, you gave birth to a dog??”; top reasons people do and don’t want children, ACC: “they are self-selecting themselves out of the gene pool”, 25 kHz Dog Dazer II |
2:15:32 | Donation Segment: Stormy “Miss Icky” Daniels |
2:23:25 | NBC on link between fast food and female infertility; Sainsbury’s-Asda merger in UK |
2:26:15 | Protests at NRA National Convention; pro-Second Amendment students “firing back at fellow students fighting for gun control” (CotD), banned shirt “celebrating diversity” |
2:33:30 | Cheerleader hysteria over “inclusive” policy; cheerleading scandal with Washington Redskins “which it’s NPR’s policy not to mention” lie, journalistic “how come?”; freakout over Native American teens visiting Colorado State University campus |
2:46:50 | Ray Kurzweil on “brain extender” smartphones; JCD predicts Dog Dazer legislation |
2:52:39 | Vegas massacre footage; Mandy Patinkin gushes about CIA, Ugandan government “teaching us how to behave as human beings”, ACC: “they eata da poo-poo!”, trading barbs with Colbert |