Call Clooney!

1021 Sun Burps (2018-04-01)

Show 1021 album art
0:00:00JCD: “Must be stopped!” (2:34:21)
0:00:33Newsletter “bloody eggs” explanation, ACC family Morning Has Broken “stupid Unitarian stuff”, mother’s “sugar eggs”, “they were not for eating, they were for stayin’ away from!
0:06:02U-Haul trucks “leaving in droves” on one-way trips from California; JCD on Silicon Valley expats in Nevada, phone calls trying to track down acquaintances whereabouts; San Diego 324-person “industrial-size tents” for homeless with 70 dogs; drive-in theater “trough” urinals
0:15:32Drunk or not drunk Stephen Colbert on Trump’s “infrashtrutcher” in “Ohiow”
0:18:02JCD on Tower Records transition from vinyl to CD; Fair, Isaac and Company FICO data collection history; 2014 Facebook emotional contagion experiment permitted by EULA consent
0:29:00ACC’s social media evasion plan resuming after dating hiatus: Motorola T900 two-way pager, old iOS 9.3 iPod Touch, OTG by Adam Curry, no-go on Iridium satellite or APRS, 1988-style .HTM pager network sites, JCD: “don’t buy any copies, ever, of The Catcher in the Rye
0:45:31ACC’s lunch with Michigan Baron; author Nassim Taleb’s Skin in the Game on minority rule
0:48:09LGBBTQQIAAPK outrage over exclusion from Census “rights and resources”
0:50:05Sinclair Broadcasting stern fake news warning professionally superimposed into medley, “this is extremely dangerous to our democracy” audition tape, ACC on MTV’s forbidden “VMAs”
1:00:18Producer Segment: long-form “resist we much”; Roderick Veelo shout-out
1:14:00Laura Ingraham apologizes to David Hogg for Twitter comment, JCD on 4.2 GPA from AP class scam, Hogg on “powerful response from advertisers”, “multiple instances that she could have done an apology but didn’t”, “I’m glad to see corporate America standing with me and the other students of Parkland”, “bullying” LeBron James; gap year with politicians; MSNBC gushes over Hogg’s “fearlessness”, no mention of 36-year-old US soldier blown up in Syria
1:29:44Second Amendment repeal, Volstead Act “manufacture, sale, or transportation”, Bill of Rights “restrictive clauses” preamble; Quebec City mosque shooter on SSRIs changes plea to guilty
1:42:32ABC’s Roseanne “heartland strategy”, New York Times “normalizing” Trump op-ed
1:48:50Rome “in lockdown” with city center “Green Zone”; French border guards grab urine sample from migrant at clinic in Italy; Russia closes St. Petersburg US Consulate, launches “Satan 2” stealth nuke; RT on Russia’s 14 Skripal questions, “how did such antidotes come into the possession of British doctors at the scene of the incident?”, JCD: “that, my friend, is a great question”; retired Gen. Jack Keene on $6.5bn US military buildup, Russian passenger plane searched in London; JCD theory: Skripal daughter guilty; Russia hosting World Cup
2:05:09NPR building “open-source platform” for podcast apps to track listener metrics
2:09:12Donation Segment: “he could not monetize the network” for ACC’s headstone
2:17:35Unfilter podcast origin story; fast turnaround checklists; Amazon Transcribe service
2:29:12Stormy Daniels “has a dress”; Ryan Seacrest and Ren & Stimpy creator accused; Mount Holyoke bans “women”; Oakland mac & cheese restaurant’s harassment color code scheme
2:34:53Producer debunks Christopher Wylie’s strip club claim: “even blind gay guys love boobs!”
2:37:07Millennial abbreve: Head & Shoulders bottle “#1 Derm Reco”, “suss” suspicious
2:39:40New Orleans Saints cheerleader sues over social media policy discrimination
2:41:25Omar Mateen’s original plan to shoot up Disney Springs, child-eating alligator distraction
2:45:11EU “streaming without borders” vs Hollywood; MPAA’s Chris Dodd; Susan Rice at Netflix
2:50:37Trajectory of Chinese Tiangong-1 spacecraft susceptible to deflection from “sun burps”
2:52:22JCD Starship Troopers “hey citizen”