0:00:00 | JCD: “No! Uh! Whoah! No, we’ve got E-World!” (2:48:34 ) |
0:00:33 | ACC: “whoever was playing the role of Stephen Hawking” dead at 76, meeting at Mondrian Hotel; IFSB World Contact Day; Trump: space “warfighting domain”, “Space Force … what a great idea”; post-ISS changes to Scott Kelly’s DNA; ACC’s nearly-empty plane to US |
0:08:19 | ABC: “anxiety gripping the city” over Austin package bombs, potential hate crime; Netherlands enforcing 21 drinking age under EU influence; ACC recommends 42 Grams documentary |
0:15:16 | New York banker: “Kudlow is a cokehead and an idiot”, CNN on Trump “poaching a host from cable television”, supply-side economics; ACC postproduction “ten-sixteen” for intro |
0:19:47 | Rex Tillerson “fired by a tweet”, hyperventilating resignation speech, “military coup” complete; JCD on the virtues of Bing; Mike Pompeo CIA successor Gina Haspel linked to torture; influx of CIA types into Democrat party; Pennsylvania winner Conor Lamb distances himself from Pelosi, Joseph Crowley: Pelosi criticism “sexist”, ABC on Rick Saccone’s “baseless claim” of Democrat “hatred for God”; Hillary: “we don’t do well with married white women” |
0:33:33 | Producer note: Gen X educating Gen Z “bullshitometer”; JCD on children voting like parents |
0:35:52 | National School Walkout “our parents had wars and we had Columbine”; Gov. Henry McMaster: students “used as a tool”; Joy Behar “everybody knows that now” on Russian cyberattack |
0:44:22 | Behar’s forced Mike Pence “hearing voices” apology; student hit by “bullet fragment” from teacher’s gun; Samantha Bee on mental health as “distraction” from guns: “I hate them and I want to melt them down into jewelry for transgender vegans”, “only 22%” of mass murderers mentally ill, SPLC “alt-right killers”, radicalization “what being red-pilled means”, “incels” |
1:01:58 | Producer Segment |
1:09:37 | JCD working on donation page with Dreamweaver, Mailchimp landing page silliness |
1:11:33 | ACC calls bullcrap on NYC helicopter crash story of strap tangled with throttle lever |
1:14:50 | BBC defines fake news as “lies and propaganda told for a political or commercial purpose which deploys digital technology”; JCD asks Guggenheim PR about Trump gold toilet story |
1:23:53 | Dog dies in United Airlines overhead bin, attendant “did not hear or understand” blame-shifting lie, JCD on breed’s suffocation danger; ACC to swap passport for Global Entry card |
1:33:41 | Progressive Insurance “becoming your parents” ad, JCD calls for “get off my lawn” examples |
1:39:49 | Theresa May expels Russian diplomatic spooks over poisoning of Sergei Skripal and daughter; unidentified “military-grade nerve agent” Новичо́к “newcomer”, Putin “betrayal”, Porton Down and OPCW on lack of information on chemical properties, binary organophosphates, Putin “kick the bucket” vs spy swap; Nikki Haley on chemical weapons in New York City |
1:54:04 | NPR: RT & Sputnik “swamped the US internet” with anti-GMO coverage, researcher “found clickbait!”; Daylight Saving Time’s link to car accident and heart attack risk |
1:59:28 | “Pharma Bro” Shkreli and Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes in hot water for securities fraud |
2:05:24 | Gary Johnson on “what is Aleppo” gaffe “goff”, JCD: “it was all a fackodd”; Bing “bong rips” |
2:10:34 | Donation Segment: anycollusion.com |
2:21:47 | Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson on HPV vs low throat cancer incidence among lesbians (BCotD) |
2:25:25 | NPR on California’s strict sexual harassment criteria; Juncker aide Martin Selmayr promoted to EC Directorship; Orange County closing tent city for “people who wanna live this lifestyle” |
2:36:45 | Sierra Leone’s missing ebola funds; Nigerian lassa fever; CDC’s $400M 2005 lab rebuild |
2:43:33 | Charles Cox on Communications Decency Act §230 and Prodigy bulletin board suit, JCD on Apple E-World & Mosaic browser; ESPN soccer announcer isos: “you know it, you love it!” |